About Us

Outcomes4Me is on a mission to improve health outcomes by empowering patients with understandable, relevant, and evidence-based information. The Outcomes4Me app and website use guidelines from 31 leading cancer centers devoted to patient care, research, and education to provide diagnosis review, treatment plans, and clinical trial matching.

Check it out here: http://blinks.outcomes4me.com/download

We've partnered with Massachusetts General Cancer Center on a study to integrate the Outcomes4Me app into the care management of breast cancer patients, which can help with treatment adherence and shared decision making. Outcomes4Me also works in collaboration with the National Comprehensive Care Network, National Cancer Institute, and Vanderbilt Ingram Cancer Center to accelerate research and improve patient outcomes. Based in Boston, Mass., Outcomes4Me is a woman-led company, comprised of seasoned healthcare, oncology, pharmaceutical, consumer, and technology veterans. For more information, visit www.outcomes4me.com.
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